Moving services

Moving Services for Individuals

  • A comprehensive approach to moving from homes, apartments, garages in Tallinn, Harju County, Tartu, and other cities.
  • Professional movers with years of experience.
  • Modern fleet for safe and efficient transportation. Packing services to protect your belongings.

Moving Services for Business Clients

  • A full range of services for a comfortable office relocation.
  • Dismantling, packing, transportation, and installation of office furniture and equipment.
  • Experience working with private and business clients, professional equipment, and techniques.

Moving Heavy Items: safes, pianos, equipment

  • Specialized services for moving heavy items.
  • Use of reliable equipment and qualified movers.
  • Possibility of disposing of heavy items.

Moving Process with MOVING24

  • Submitting an application and discussing the details of the move.
  • Packing and transporting belongings.
  • Installation and assembly of furniture and equipment by agreement.

Service Cost

Depends on the volume of work, time of relocation, hard-to-reach places, and selected services. You can contact us by phone, email, or through the feedback form on our website, and then the operator will provide an approximate cost of the entire move based on the above data.

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    What we offer

    We offer a comprehensive selection of services, such as:


    • Trained professional movers
    • Personalized moving plan
    • Competitive pricing
    • Packing and unpacking
    • Loading and unloading
    • Moving supplies
    • Storage option
    What to expect

    For an accurate quote, a specialist will ask you questions like:


    • Number of rooms
    • Inventory in each room
    • Stairs
    • Elevators
    • Any very oversized items
    • Any specialty items
    • Any other details